Sleep in heavenly peace

It’s been a rough week.  A colleague’s daughter passed away after a lengthy illness.  Another lost her grandfather, just days short of his 91st birthday. And then, another school shooting in the United States.

For some reason, this shooting has really struck me as tragic.  I was in teacher’s college when Columbine happened, and while shocking, this shooting seems so much worse.  When you read that 20 6-years old were gunned down, and six responsible adults who tried to stop the carnage died, you can’t help but wonder when the United States is going to get serious about gun control.  Especially before the holidays…

I can’t imagine what the teachers went through that day.  We all practice ‘Lock Down’ drills, always hoping that we’d never need to use them.  I’m sure those in Connecticut thought the same thing.  It was, after all, just a random Thursday, with the holidays in the air.  And at the end of the day, it’s senseless.


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